From an IDC Candidate to PADI
I just would like to share my IDC experience with Mr. Chris Owen. I am very thankful, and very grateful to my Course Director. For he has been very professional, strict (when it comes to teaching), but at the same time very patient with me. I know there are times when Chris would get frustrated with me because i simply could not get everything right. But, he extended his time and his patience with me from the day i started until the IDC training ended. I would like to acknowledge my Course Director Chris Owen for he never gave up on students like me. He never stopped pushing me to learn and understand. He may be a perfectionist, so that makes him very strict in class and during training. But, i now understand that he wants us to be the best in our field. That, when we finally become instructors we are prepared with the knowledge that PADI wants to instill in their students. I will be coming back to Phuket this December for my IE and hopefully pass. I have my Course Director to thank for and i will strive to be like him when the time comes.
JR Gerochi