Do you want to become a PADI Course Director? Chris has many, many IDC Staff Instructors who are now PADI Course Directors

PADI Course Director (CD)

The PADI Course Director is the highest Instructor rating in the PADI System of Diver Education. Consequently, The PADI Course Director is one of the most respected recreational scuba diving qualifications in the Diving Industry today.

A PADI Course Director is an Instructor Trainer who is therefore qualified to teach PADI Instructor Development Courses (IDCs.) Course Directors can also teach other PADI Instructor Courses such are Specialty Instructor Course and also PADI Rebreather Instructor courses. Chris Owen, our Course Director, became a PADI Course Director in April 2000. And, as a result, has had a lot of experience preparing PADI Master Instructors to attend PADI Course Director Training Courses (CDTC.)

So, are you ready to reach the top of Recreational Scuba Diving?
  • Duration: N/A
  • Pre-requisites: See Course Details
  • Minimum Age: 18
  • Availability: N/A
  • Group Size: N/A
  • Personal Tuition: N/A

The PADI Course Director (CD) Qualification

As mentioned, the PADI Course Director (CD) qualification is the highest Instructor Rating in the PADI System of Diver Education. Because of this it takes time and determination to get the chance to apply for acceptance into a CDTC. Consequently PADI Course Directors hold the highest and most respected professional rating in recreational scuba diving.

Course Directors are Instructor Trainers who conduct PADI Instructor Development Courses. As such, they now have the appropriate qualifications meaning they can also teach other PADI Instructor Training. Because of this they are among the dive industry’s most influential opinion leaders and role models. Those PADI Instructors who join this elite group of Dive Professionals pass through a stringent screening process. This examines their experience and training to date. This competitive and demanding Course Director Training Course (CDTC) is conducted twice a year by PADI. At the time of writing, CDTCs are conducted in either Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia or The Dominican Republic.

During the PADI CDTC you learn how to teach PADI Instructor Development programs and hence gain experience in developing PADI Instructors. PADI CDTCs are conducted by a mixture of PADI Office Staff from all over the World.

PADI CDTC Completed?

Once you have successfully completed the course you will therefore be qualified to teach the following PADI courses and programs:

Currently the prerequisites for applying for acceptance on a Course Director Training Course are as follows:

  • First of all to be a renewed, teaching status PADI Master Instructor for at least the past six months.
  • And have no verified Quality Assurance complaints for at least the past 12 months.
  • You will have conducted all PADI certification courses and also experience programs using methods consistent with PADI.
  • Standards and philosophy as outlined in the PADI Instructor Manual for at least the past 12 months
  • You must have exclusively use the complete PADI System of diver education. This includes all appropriate PADI training materials for at least the past 12 months.
  • Be certified as a PADI IDC Staff Instructor.
  • Must have also staffed at least two complete PADI IDCs after being certified as a PADI IDC Staff Instructor.
  • Certified as a current Emergency First Response Instructor Trainer.
  • Have experience working with a PADI Dive Shop or Dive Resort.
  • You must have a minimum of 250 logged dives.
  • Furthermore you must meet all other requirements as specified by PADI at the time of application.

Because the latest requirements are subject to change please contact PADI directly for final confirmation ...

So, as PADI Course Director, you have reached the very top ...

Well actually that's not quite true. Our PADI Course Director and Rebreather Instructor Trainer Chris Owen thought the same thing when he became a Course Director in April 2000. In actual fact Chris has almost taken more courses since qualifying than before he became a Course Director.

Because once you have achieved the Course Director rating you will want to be able to teach as many courses at the Instructor Trainer level as possible.

PADI Rebreather Instructor Trainer is one of the courses you should be looking at taking. This is because Rebreather Diving is becoming more and more mainstream. Consequently what was once a very elite diving specialty is now becoming increasingly popular and mainstream! it seems like every diver yearns for the freedom you can gain diving this way.

Remember that most of all, as a PADI CD, you need to be as up to date as possible not only with PADI Course but also the Dive Industry worldwide

BECOME A PADI REBREATHER INSTRUCTOR and as a result stay one step ahead of the rest ...

Contact PADI for the latest pricing & requirements